Most people still don’t get it, very few has a clue, and those that do are in a state of denial. Folks, America’s real problem are culture, culture, and more culture. A nation can survive a financial collapse or anything with a strong culture, but no nation can survive intact with a destroyed culture. What determines a healthy culture is a strong nuclear and extended family system along with a strong religious and moral code.
Years ago before our welfare state people knew how important culture was because life and the elements were unforgiving. If you were irresponsible and unprepared the winter would not forgive you, there was no government shelter. If you did not teach your child responsibility and accountability life and the elements would. A nation’s culture must be safeguarded at all cost; otherwise self-interest will rule the day.
What is in the best interest of the country should always take priority. The destruction of this nation’s culture didn’t happen over night. Both liberal and conservative politicians have been selling this country’s best interest down the river for many years, now. The facts are very simple folks; almost ninety five percent of the people in America are worshiping a false God in the form of big government as the welfare state.
Ever since the “new deal” the appetite of this welfare state has become more important than anything. Feeding this welfare state beast has become more important than even preserving and saving our own country, our culture, our family system, our manufacturing base, and now, maybe evens our national security. This welfare state beast is now so powerful no one will dare attempt to starve it down to size.
To some degree we are all feeding at it's trough in some way.This tax hungry beast feeds on money to stay alive and starving it to death is the only thing that is going to save this country, but that ain’t gonna happen. And, I pity the politician that has the nerve to seriously attempt to starve this beast, because government dependents would stone him to death. So, what is there to do, all men and women with real wisdom in this country knows we are about to go over the cliff.
People confuse having money with survival but that is like confusing apples with oranges. If you can raise and grow your own food you can survive without money, except to pay taxes. However, on the other hand you can’t eat money and you can have all of the money in the world and it won’t keep you alive if no one else wants it. We are almost there?
If it was not for this blood sucking welfare state beast this country would have countless small farmers and home gardeners along with an underground bartering capacity in place, just like before the “Great Depression.” Now, we have nothing and no means to survive when this economy collapses, the whole world may rebirth back to the Stone Age. God it is now in your hand, I ask in your name, stay your hand and save this great nation. Amen.
Where do practically all U.S. government income and wealth originates, 3 percent or less of the U.S. population can give the correct answer. You will get answers like all kinds of taxes, licenses, fees, tariffs, or whatever, which all will be wrong. Right answer: Directly or indirectly practically all of government income originates from some form of private U.S. business profit, no profit, no dole. It's like a small kid thinking all butter and eggs originates from the grocery store.
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