Monday, January 12, 2009


I believe the core problem that is destroying the United States economy is the ever raising “High cost of living and dwindling buying power of the dollar.” That said, I don’t see this big economy package eliminating the high cost of living or the dwindling buying power of the dollar in any meaningful way, I see just a finger in the dike. What I see is going to speed up the higher cost of living and the dwindling buying power of the dollar.

The result of huge increases in government spending and countless new hidden taxes is going to push the cost of living even further out of reach. The high cost of living is already eating us alive and the only thing that’s going stop it or slow it down is lower taxes and less government spending, there is no other way out. The fact is western civilization is not going to survive holding on to their welfare states, the cost is simply going to bleed the United States and Western Europe to death.

The United States needs to decide which is more important, survival or to keep feeding the welfare state beast. So far it seems we have decided to keep feeding the welfare state beast. Time is running out, we can no longer afford the cost of the welfare state. When not enough people can keep up with the “Cost of living" they can't buy new cars or much of anything else.If you think that is bad, remember the economy is only one leg of the four legged survival stool.

The economy leg is the last leg holding us up. The nuclear family leg, the culture leg, and the bartering capacity leg for all practical purpose have already failed due to the welfare state. Never forget, the future is never set in stone, man always has the free choice by his actions to chart his own destiny. Long live the great United States of America. Never, count America out.

Why do you think a poor uneducated neurotic South Georgia, USA country boy like me can break through all of the negative childhood myths and ignorance and one day sound the alarm for America’s survival? The abilities of freedom and a free people are omnipotent.

I, Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. repeat, there ain’t gonna be a “Great depression” in the United States of America, It ain’t gonna happen. Our welfare state has closed off that sad option. We are going to face something much, much worse. I’ve been screaming and hollering in the wiliness for many years now about the dangers of a welfare state and no one would listen and still won’t listen.
If the economy collapses we are going to zip right past that stage to the next stage, total chaos. Here is my reasoning on this, we have no emergency bartering capacity backup (food wise) to survive on and buy time to reorganize.

Our nuclear family system is almost in ruins, which has been the foundation for human survival since the dawn of history. And lastly our moral and family values has been reduced to “What feels good do it.” To sum it up, we have no societal infrastructure left to sustain us through a great depression. I can only hope and pray that my observation is wrong. Society survived on trade and bartering long before money was invented.

Bartering is the base and foundation of any economic system and should never be completely destroyed. In a true free market place economy there will always be underground bartering. Then along comes this winner takes all welfare state beast that takes away the need for the nuclear family, the culture and moral shield, and the backup bartering capacity of small farmers and home gardeners.

Folks, when you destroy your bartering economical base and foundation you have nothing to return home to, you are left lost in an economical no man land. However, we do have one last fighting chance of economical survival left, but that mean starving the welfare state beast. Folks, I hate saying it but history has proven that power concedes nothing; we are locked in on a course leading to total collapse.

Big brother will never concede one inch of their power back to the people. Nothing short of a divine miracle will break this welfare state beast’s tax bite on the throat of the United States economy.


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